Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year

So today was the first day of the new year. I was so tired and my Christmas Break wore me out with my son home and all the family fun and adventures we had. I so did not want to come to school today. I wished the holidays would never end. But as I put my son on a plane last night, I realized the holidays would not be as joyous without the work of the rest of the year. All play and no work would make the play time not so joyous.

As the alarm went off today at 5:30, I groaned and moaned.  But as my students began to arrive I realized how much I missed them and how much I love being a teacher. They greeted me with happy smiles and tales of their Christmas presents and the adventures of the past two weeks. I am a blessed teacher, thanks to 26 happy souls who wondered into my classroom this morning.

I am ready to start this new year off with a happy attitude and will no longer groan at the alarm going off at 5:30.  Life is good.

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