Saturday, March 3, 2012

I need to design my room

So I really don't like my room. I spend so much time in it and it really doesn't reflect my personality. It is functional, but doesn't have that inviting, homey feel. So I have been plotting and planning and this summer I am going to revamp it all. We moved into a new building with big, beautiful classrooms, almost 2 years ago. Trying to move into a new space and plan for the upcoming year was just too much. It was panic city. At the end of the year I made some changes, but not enough. This year it has been better and the space is more functional, but it still isn't that inviting.

The desks are all donated, as well as most of the mismatched furniture. It was quite fun up-cycling old cabinets into cubbies, and designing my very own classroom. But it takes so much time! So I am going to dive in and really make a change this summer. I love the color on two of my walls and hope we have enough paint to paint one more wall.

So here are the "before" pictures of how my classroom looks now. It's okay, but not great.

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